About Us

War Costs is the international effort to expose the financial and humane costs of the U.S. military industrial complex. Through full length films, short videos, and social media, we reveal the deep corruption of our political system by the lobbying and campaign spending of the war industry, which has fractured our foreign policy, and has made our weapons, not our ideals, the most prominent face of America abroad. Our films expose the deep personal costs paid by those who fight wars launched for profit and ideology and the price paid by those with the courage to speak out. Our projects also unveil the massive salaries of each of these superrich CEOs and 'out' them as war profiteers enriching themselves thanks to massive, job-killing military budgets. Through personal stories, we reveal how our military spending priorities have been warped by corporate influence, and the ideological belief of killing our way to security, into a bloated, corrupt budget that spends billions on unneeded weapons and programs.

War Costs Films

Full-length features


Join the international effort to expose the financial & humane costs of the U.S. military industrial complex.

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