U.S. Still Buying Helicopters From Russian Arms Dealer That Supplies Syrian Regime
As Business Insider notes, one of the Pentagon's latest contracts will deliver $171.4 million to Russian state-controlled arms dealer Rosoboronexport, lead supplier of weapons to the brutal regime in Syria.
Read moreRep. Buck McKeon, Proud Keeper of Defense Industry's Bottom Line
As Robert Greenwald and I pointed out in our latest post, the defense industry and their protectors are turning out en masse this week to oppose defense cuts planned to take effect Jan. 2, 2013. One of those protectors -- actually, THE protector on Capitol Hill -- is House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-Calif.). McKeon called on industry leaders to testify today in front of the committee to warn of the job losses and other stresses the industry faces if the cuts happen.
Read moreWith Needed Defense Cuts on the Horizon, Industry Forces Rev Up the Propaganda Machine
You know it's a big moment for defenders of the United States' bloated military budget when some of the all-time superstars of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex descend on Capitol Hill to fight for their perceived right to profit.
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