Victims of drone strike testify before Congress
By Staff Reporter for RT.
The victims of a drone strike alleged to be launched last year by the United States spoke to members of Congress on Tuesday and urged the US government to stop killing civilians with weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles.
Read moreDrone Victims Testify In Congress
Staff Reporter for Radio Free Europe.
WASHINGTON -- A Pakistani schoolteacher and his two children have become the first survivors of a U.S. drone strike to testify in Congress.
Read morePakistani victim family urges end to drone warfare in Congressional Briefing
A Pakistani elementary school teacher, whose mother was killed in a U.S. drone strike last year, Tuesday urged the United States to end unmanned operations and help bring peace to the tribal areas through cooperative efforts with Pakistan. Rafiq ur Rehman made the plea in a joint Congressional briefing, where his children nine-year-old daughter Nabila Rehman, and 13-year-old Zubair Rehman, who were both injured by the drone strike, also recounted their emotional experiences. The family has traveled to Washington on the invitation of Congressman Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Flordia, to provide their accounts of the attack that killed Rafiq’s 67-year-old mother, Momina Bibi in North Waziristan, a year ago.
Read morePakistani drone attack victims appear before Congress
By Staff Writer for ITV.
Victims of an American drone strike in Pakistan travelled to the US Congress today to explain the human cost of the controversial and secretive programme.
Read more“She Was Exploded to Pieces” Survivors of Drone Strike in Pakistan Testify to Members of Congress
A Pakistani family made history in Washington D.C. when they testified on their experience witnessing and surviving a drone attack in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Three members of the family--Rafiq ur-Rehman and his children, 9-year-old Nabeela and 13-year-old Zubair--told their story in front of a handful Congressman at a hearing convened by Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL).
Read moreBriefing to Congressmen: ‘I didn’t have any bad feelings for the US before drone killed my mother’
By Ismail Sheikh for the Express Tribune.
WASHINGTON: A Pakistani family who survived US drone strikes, appeared before members of the US Congress on Tuesday to record their account from when they were targeted last year.
Read moreThis 13-Year-Old Is Scared When the Sky Is Blue Because of Our Drones
By Alexander Abad-Santos for The Atlantic Wire.
"I no longer love blue skies. In fact, I now prefer grey skies. The drones do not fly when the skies are grey," a 13-year-old Pakistani boy named Zubair told Congress on Tuesday. Zubair was 12 when he and his younger sister, Nabeela, were injured in a drone strike near North Waziristan last October. "When sky brightens, drones return and we live in fear," Zubair told Rep. Alan Graysonand others at the congressional briefing.
Read more‘What did we do to you?’: Family takes drone fight to the US
By Staff Writer for Channel 4 (British News).
It was the most unlikely of sights: a Pakistani family, arriving on Capitol Hill to give members of congress their first-hand account of the civilian toll from drone attacks, writes Inigo Gilmore.
Read moreUnmanned
By David Swanson for Let's Try Democracy.
The new film Unmanned: America's Drone Wars should be required viewing in all schools and homes in the United States, including the home of the U.S. president who could not be bothered to meet with the child victims of his drones who spoke in Congress this week.
Read moreAlan Grayson Smacks Obama on Drones: ‘It’s God Who Decides Who Lives and Dies’
By Noah Rothman for Mediaite.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) appeared on CNN with anchor Brooke Baldwin on Tuesday to discuss his ongoing efforts to impose on PresidentBarack Obama’s administration some oversight regarding drone strikes. Grayson said that it was not right that so many civilians have been killed “upon the command of one man.”
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