Living Under Drones, a new report by human rights law experts at Stanford and New York University, counters the common rhetoric that the use of drone stikes is a precise and effective tool for making the U.S. a safer place. The report, along with a video produced by Brave New Foundation, aims to open up public discussion on the incendiary U.S. drone policy in Pakistan incorporating the devastating, virtually hidden side effects. Above, John Amick discussed with RT America the importance of Living Under Drones in a media climate more or less dry of any critical reporting on the issue.
Brave New Foundation's Robert Greenwald went on Current TV's The Young Turks to discuss the report.
The lack of discussion on the use of drone strikes in Pakistan was addressed in other segments, as well. The Young Turks covered the report ahead of Greenwald's appearance, and on Tuesday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow cited Living Under Drones on her show, driving home the importance of debate when it comes to the "most controversial things that our government does in our names."
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